Make a Difference by Volunteering and Get Involved

Everyone can help in funding the fight to see a world free of dementia. We all have our own personal reasons to rid the world from this ugly disease; however, the collective impact you will have funding this fight with Clear Thoughts Foundation is huge. The difference you will make is meaningful now and also will impact future generations.

There are many ways to get involved. Join the fight against dementia and make a donation, attend our awareness events, or donate your time to help make our fundraising events an even bigger success. See below for opportunities that best fit your interests and availability.

To learn more, contact Executive Director Cait Fenello at [email protected], or call 412.407.7170.

My father was a kind man; loved by all. He had a reserved manner, but an open mind and heart. When I needed sound advice, he had the intellect, morals & calm demeanor to guide me like no one else could.  The loss of his advice and guidance is only one, of many things, that dementia took from us and him. Clear Thoughts Foundation not only empathizes with the pain this disease causes, but are working to find better treatments and, at best, a cure. What a noble, unselfish undertaking.
Dale Seth – Customer Service Assistant Manager, Simpson & McCrady
We strongly support CTF and its mission because we know the care and diligence in the stewardship of donated funds that Haley and team apply. The aspirational goal of ending dementia through breakthrough drug discoveries and treatments focuses on results over established medical dogma.
Donald & Lisa Gray – CTO, PacketViper
Clear Thoughts Foundation (CTF) is such a passionate group of individuals, giving all they have in the fight to end dementia.  We have had the privilege to volunteer for CTF at their annual fundraiser, Roll for a Reason Gala, for over ten years.  Such a first class, top-notch event!
Susan & Steve Balog – CTF Supporters/Volunteers
It’s only through private philanthropic support that these ideas will see the light of day.
Dr. Nathan Urban – Provost & SVP, Lehigh University
Who would have thought that an introduction to my UPMC Doctors many years ago would lead to the insurmountable impact Clear Thoughts Foundation has been able to make through the development and funding of their research cohort, the CTF Consortium. I am honored and grateful to continue supporting this imperative research and have seen the impact it is having on the development of a viable drug or treatment for dementia… thus inching us all closer to a world free of dementia.
Sean Logan – UPMC East Board Chair, UPMC
We’ve known Hayley for a long time, even before she founded Clear Thoughts Foundation in memory of her Father.  Hayley, the staff and Directors have grown CTF significantly over the years, their success attributable to their dedication to the mission of the organization… and a lot of perseverance!
John & Mary Ann Stockhausen – Retired President & Director, Snavely Forest Products
As we think about and reflect upon health, wellness and well-being into our second half of life, so many people bring up their very real concerns of dementia.  Clear Thoughts Foundation is singularly focused on reducing risk, improving health and creating healthy longevity for all of our futures through the great research they fund!  If you support one foundation this year, make it CTF... you and your family might just be the ultimate recipients of their great work!
Thomas Lundquist, MD – CEO, HealthNEXT
I am truly energized and excited by the CTF Team’s passion and organized research to search for treatments and possible cures for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Michael Carretta – Private Wealth Advisor, Ameriprise Financial
The Jameson family witnessed first hand the devastating impact of Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) on their loved one. Sparking a passionate commitment to start and support CTF. Their heart felt dedication to raising awareness and funds has been a beacon of hope, driving crucial advancements in the fight against this relentless disease. By sharing their journey, the Jameson family inspires others to join the mission of finding a cure and improving the lives of those affected by FTD through CTF.
Penny Sabano – Administrative Services Coordinator, Arden Courts ProMedica Memory Care
CTF is doing an outstanding job of dementia research and community education in the greater Pittsburgh area. Their work has and will continue to have a significant impact on the dementia community.
Doreen C. Putnam, CDP®, CADDCT,® CMDCP®, CIPG – CEO, DCPutnam Consulting
CTF is an organization driven to bring more awareness and to solve the problem of Dementia.
Bryan Gratton - Gratton & Kerr Financial Group
Clear Thoughts is making a difference for a most worthy cause… and for all of us who have family members who suffer from dementia.
Dave Myers – Co-Founder/DOS, EduLink, Inc.
When my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimers, CTF was truly a godsend to my mom and the family. Great doctor recommendations, educational materials, and events to help us learn and navigate what was ahead for us. Research is critical to a solution and CTF is compassionately focused in the right areas.
Tom Henson – SVP of Product Management & Marketing, LegalSifter
Its organizations like CTF that step out and say this is a big problem we need to fund this important research.
Hank Safferstein – Chief Executive Officer, Generian

Ways to Get Involved

Volunteer and help make our annual Roll for a Reason Gala a success!

Come lend a hand in support of a great cause all while enjoying a one-of-a-kind evening! Our annual Roll for a Reason Gala is your opportunity to do so, featuring a Monte Carlo Casino theme with entertainment, gaming, food, spirits, live, silent and Chinese auction items, music, magic, and more. We have a multitude of opportunities to serve at this unique event... from serving hors' d'oeuvres to selling raffle basket tickets and much more, you'll be invaluable to our success! This is a great opportunity for students to obtain community service hours, for families to serve together, and to personally “give-back” or “pay-forward” with your time and expertise. If you're interested in learning more and/or are ready to roll, please fill out our contact form and indicate your desire to do so.

Watch our recap video from last year's Gala to view all the fun!