Give Today and Make An Impact

Be a piece to the puzzle in finding a cure for dementia!

Everyday Clear Thoughts Foundation works tirelessly to make the lives of families better by funding the fight against dementia. This vital work could not be done without the generous gifts of our supporters. Give today and make a donation to eliminate dementia.

CTF needs your support to ensure we can continue our mission of funding breakthrough drugs and novel treatments to eliminate dementia. Learn more about our current fundraising initiative, the CTF Consortium, in which your donation will directly support collaborative research and faster discoveries. Scroll down for more ways to support!

Other Ways to Make an Impact

We strive to maximize our donation dollars while minimizing our expenses. The most cost-efficient way for us to receive a donation is via check to our mailing address, eliminating the fees we must pay to accept credit card donations online. Please forward all correspondence and monetary donations to:

Clear Thoughts Foundation
3000 Village Run Road, Unit 103, #225
Wexford, PA 15090 

You will receive an acknowledgement letter or email for tax purposes. If possible, please include your email address in your correspondence. Thank you for your contribution!

Give today and make a donation monthly to eliminate dementia through the RoundUp App.

Your small change, for big changes in funding the fight.

We’ve recently partnered with a program called the RoundUp App that allows you to “round up” the change from your debit or credit card purchases and donate it to us monthly. This is a simple way for you to help us fund the fight against dementia, just by donating your change! You can download the app for iPhone, Android or create an account on the Web following the step below:


Give today through your employer and make a corporate match donation to eliminate dementia.

Many companies today strive to empower their employees to make an impact on causes that matter most to them. They do so by matching their donations dollar for dollar - some even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. Check with your employer to see if they offer a corporate match program and be sure to submit any donations made to CTF to make 2X the impact on dementia research!

Are you the President or leader of your company? Consider partnering with CTF to showcase your commitment to the community and reach new audiences through your support of dementia research.

Give today and make a donation to eliminate dementia through Venmo.

Are you a frequent Venmo user? You can make donations directly to CTF through your Venmo account by either scanning the QR code below or searching @clearthoughtsFDN. Give today and make a donation to eliminate dementia!

CTF's Venmo QR code to make a donation.

Honor a loved one by giving today through a memorial donation to eliminate dementia.

There are no words to describe the pain and grief felt when losing a loved one to dementia. Honor their life and legacy by making a difference against this disease appointing CTF as a memorial beneficiary in lieu of flowers. Please consult your loved ones funeral services director for assistance setting this up. Additionally, available upon request is formal information that can be utilized for ease of support from service attendees.

Give today and make a donation to eliminate dementia through stock.

Do you have stock that has done very well for you? Consider donating shares of that stock to CTF, qualifying as a donation which you can claim as a deduction. This will keep you from having to pay capital gains tax come end of tax season. Donating shares of stock is a great way to lower your tax basis while helping to further CTF's mission in the process - that's what we call a win-win!

Please contact CTF at 412.407.7170 if you would like to make a donation via stock or learn more about this process.



Give today and make a donation through PayPal to eliminate dementia

If PayPal is your preferred method of donating online, we've got you covered! Just click the button below to support our breakthrough dementia research...

Give today and make a donation through United Way of Southwestern PA to eliminate dementia

CTF is an approved charity as a Contributor Choice agency with the United Way of Southwestern PA! This means that donations through your company can be easily made to CTF through United Way at

When making your donation, simply note CTF's designated code number 13919758 and registered agency name, Clear Thoughts Foundation, on your pledge form and CTF will become the registered recipient of your donation. This is just another easy way that you can give back!