Funding the Fight Against Dementia Since the Beginning

Since awarding the Donald M. Jameson Fellowship Grant in 2014, we have come a long way in expanding our research efforts and impact. Prior to the development of our currently funded collaborative cohort, the CTF Consortium, we awarded esteemed researchers individual research grants on a 1-1 basis (one researcher receiving one grant for an individual project). This research was backed by world renowned facilities such as the Pittsburgh Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases (PIND), the University of Pittsburgh, and Cognition Therapeutics, Inc. (CogRx).

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Past Research

It is the passionate dedication of these researchers, the generosity of the facilities, and their combined tenacious efforts to find treatments for this awful disease that gives us hope of a future without dementia. Learn more about this foundational research:

Our Funded Grant Research

Dr. Amantha Thathia Dementia grant research

Amantha Thathiah, PhD

Assistant Professor of Neurobiology
Roya Depasquale dementia grant research

Roya T. DePasquale
