CTF Consortium Research Announcement

CTF Consortium research announcement

Dear CTF Supporters,

Thank you for your continued support to help CTF fund the fight against dementia! Whether you are new to our mission or have been with us since the beginning, YOU have allowed us to continue funding brilliant scientists and researchers who are tirelessly working to make a difference against this ugly disease. While we still have a ways to go to see a world free of dementia, what we are working towards MATTERS and WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE in our fight against dementia.

With that said, we are excited to share with you that CTF will be awarding another $200,000 dollars to our CTF Consortium researchers, Dr. Robert Friedlander, Dr. Oscar Lopez, and Dr. Amantha Thathiah for the continuation of their research throughout 2024 and 2025! We are proud to stand beside these brilliant minds working to accelerate dementia drug and treatment advancements through collaboration.

If you have not already seen our research update video for 2023, you can watch it below for more insight into the wonderful progress being made and how your donations to CTF are continuing to make a difference! If you have any questions about these research advancements, please email us at info@clearthoughtsfoundation.org and these will be directed towards our Chief Scientific Advisor, Dr. Karl Herrup.

CTF Consortium researchers

As you discuss year end giving, please consider making CTF a part of those recipient charities at the top of your list. From all of us here at CTF, we want to take a moment to thank you again for your continued support and generosity throughout 2023 and we look forward to continuing to fund the fight against dementia together in the new year!

Yours in the fight,

Clear Thoughts Foundation